Monday 30 January 2012

AGM of Durham NARPO – Monday 19th March

Date for your Diary…….
Monday 19th March at 1930hrs The Annual General Meeting of Durham NARPO, with guest speakers from Force Executive and Federation.
All members welcome to attend and participate
Ideal time to meet your old colleagues and friends.
(Please put the date in your diary and see if you can attend, meet your committee and see the hard work they are doing for you)
The meeting will be held at the Durham Indoor Bowling Centre, Pity Me, Durham, DH1 5GE

View Durham Indoor Bowling Club in a larger map

The 3rd Retirees Reunion and Social Afternoon spectacular - Sunday 20th May, 2012

Please book early!

The 3rd Retirees Reunion and Social Afternoon Spectacular - Sunday 20th May, 2012
Durham Constabulary H.Q.  Aykley Heads, Durham. 1.30pm to 5pm.

In view of two other important attractions  i.e. the Queen’s Jubilee and the Olympic Games in July, 2012, we have decided  to avoid divided loyalties in attending  the three very important events,  we have re scheduled our “curtain raiser”,  to the new date of Sunday, 20th May, 2012

Many of you will have already experienced this great social get together, organised as a joint event by Durham Constabulary and Durham N.A.R.P.O. Committee.
Just in case you haven’t heard about it, we invite ALL members of Durham Constabulary, police and police support staff both serving and retirees  past and present, to come along and enjoy a truly friendly and sociable afternoon. A great deal of planning by the Force Strategic Management team, the N.A.R.P.O. Committee members and a host of willing volunteers once again promises to make it an afternoon to remember. A number of you have in the past missed out, believing that you don’t know many people now, but here you have the opportunity to renew old acquaintances and friends. It is also an opportunity to socialise with serving officers and Staff who continue the proud traditions of Durham Constabulary.

We are concerned that many of our retired police staff personnel may not be aware (even now!) of the now annual social occasion. If you know any past employees, please share with them this information and give them the opportunity to share it too. 

There will be entertainment by the Durham Constabulary Band and Choir, demonstrations by the Dog Section and Motor Patrols, displays by Durham H.Q. Archives, N.A.R.P.O. Beamish Museum , the Blue Knights and more. 
Light refreshments will be provided (but please don’t expect a full meal – times is hard…!);  a superb raffle organised by N.A.R.P.O.; a souvenir programme and your own personal photograph to commemorate the occasion and best of all, the friendly atmosphere and “war stories” that only old friends can generate between each other. You’re only here once, so why not make the most of this joyous and friendly event.
Please Note:

  • Admission is by ticket only for security purposes and also to gauge numbers for catering etc.
  • Tickets are FREE. Remember -  No ticket – no entry!
  • If lack of transport is a real problem, contact us – we MAY be able to help.

Avoid disappointment and order your ticket(s) early. Be there!

Retired Police Officers (non NARPO) and Retired Police Support staff, please order from:
Colin Appleby, 21, Lea Rigg, West Rainton, Houghton le String, DH4 6SR. Tel No. 0191 5846178.

N.A.R.P.O Members including Widows, please order from:
Mrs. Angie Crawford, 8, Warwick Place, Peterlee, SR2 2EZ. Tel No. 01915180996. Email

Serving Police Support Staff and Serving Officers please order from
Amanda Dodds or Amanda Wilson, Strategic Management Department.

Photo’s below from the 1st re-union in 2010


RAMBLERS Organisation (U.K.) ( circulated via NARPO National Executive)

Love the fresh air? Enjoy being in the countryside and pulling on your boots to discover just what you have on your doorstep?

Ramblers have groups covering the entire U.K. , with a  like- minded membership of people who enjoy walking. Our groups have organised walks which can cater for all abilities. A three mile stroll or a full day adventure – the Ramblers will be able to help.

You can take part in any of the 38,000 organised and led walks. You will receive a quarterly glossy magazine “ Walk” (worth £3.80/ issue)

And you will qualify for a 20% discount off your first purchase at Cotswold Outdoor.

NARPO Members qualify for a 20% discount on  whole year membership fees.

Individual membership is only £24.80 ( usual cost £31.00) or £32.80 for a joint membership ( usual cost £41).

To take advantage of this great offer, visit and quote code U12Y1W

For more information contact Sam Newby-Ricci on 07799 134 710 0r

Facebook:  and Twitter:

Friday 27 January 2012

Automatic Renewal of AXA Travel Insurance

This correspondence was received from NARPO Head Office and relates to members with AXA Travel Insurance obtained through NARPO
”Dear Colleague,
We will shortly be coming up to the renewal date for the above (1st May) and in an attempt to try and by-pass some of the problems we had at last automatic renewal I would ask if possible that you would consider including something in your next branch newsletter or however you communicate to your branch members.

This is a 2 fold exercise.

Firstly : It reminds those members not wishing to renew to cancel their Direct Debit Instruction with their bank, but they also need to inform this office (Alan Dockerty on 01924.331256) – if they do not follow this through the money will be automatically taken from the member on the 17th May and policy documents issued by AXA,

Secondly : Any member expecting to automatically renew needs to receive:

  • A letter from this office which will confirm the new rate (this should be received early April)
  • A new policy document from AXA (probably to be received around mid to late April

Without receipt of these two documents they are quite simply not on the automatic renew data file and they will not be covered for travel insurance, we had some members last year travelling abroad thinking they had been automatically renewed but had not received either of these documents – they were not covered.

Reminding members now, might just save problems as above but might also save the office time issuing refunds if they didn’t mean to stay in the scheme.
For information the new rates from 1st May 2012 to 30th April 2013 will be:
Single £120.00
Joint £165.00 (Includes single parent)
Family £175.00

The prices include the NARPO administration fee.”

Sunday 15 January 2012

Next Meeting of Durham NARPO–Monday 16th January

diarygThe next meeting of NARPO (Durham Branch) will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 16th January at Durham Indoor Bowling Centre.

Light buffet afterwards. All members or prospective members are invited to come along & enjoy

If you don't know where to go, Click On This Link and you'll see a map of the location and you can get driving directions to it.

Friday 13 January 2012

Death of a retired Police Officer - Inspector Leslie (Les) Fawell

It is with regret that we announce the death of ex- Inspector Leslie(Les) Fawell of Arcadia Avenue, Chester-le-Street who died on 8th January 2012 aged 78 years.  
Mr Fawell retired from HQ Communications on 29th September 1983 and during his career served in various postings including Darlington, Jarrow,Cleadon, Brandon and Durham.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Copper Plate–January 2012 (Issue 85)

Copper Plate - Issue 85

January 2012 edition of Copper Plate) can be viewed by clicking on the image.

You can view older editions of Copper Plate by clicking on the menu bar above or by CLICKING HERE

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Death of a retired Police Officer - Ch.Insp. Donald Bainbridge

It is with regret that we announce the death of former Chief Inspector Donald Bainbridge who died on 25th December 2011 aged 82 years. 
Mr Bainbridge retired from Durham Constabulary in 1985.  He had also served on secondment with Cyprus Police.

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