Saturday 24 December 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Supt.Derek Harrison L.L.B, M.B.E.

It is with regret that we announce the death of ex- Superintendent Derek Harrison, MBE, who died on 22nd December 2011 aged 84 years in Melbury Care Home, Durham City

Mr Harrison joined Durham Constabulary in 1948 and during his career served in various postings including Birtley, Jarrow, Darlington, Washington, Houghton, Whitburn, Bishop Auckland, Barnard Castle and Sedgefield from where he retired as Sub-Divisional Commander in 1980.

After his retirement from Durham Constabulary Derek was an active member of NARPO at local, regional and national level. Locally he served on the Committee, as Secretary and Chair, he co-founded the Peeler magazine.  He represented NARPO at regional level and was a member of the National Executive Committee, holding the post of National president for 3 years.  In addition Derek undertook a good deal of work “behind the scenes” to assist former colleagues and their families in times of difficulty. His efforts earned him the honour of receiving an MBE before ill health forced Derek into relinquishing much of this work.

Thursday 22 December 2011


snowman12Yes it is that time of year already and our second Christmas providing you with update information, topics and photographs.

We are delighted to let you know that our fame is certainly spreading, both on the web and in the Durham Peeler Magazine. We are now reaching Afghanistan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, U.S.A., Chile, Israel and even British West Hartlepool! You will be delighted to know that we have now had more than 55,000 ‘hits’ on the web page’s and over 180 regular recipients of death notifications of serving and retired officers. These recipients also receive advanced notice of up to the minute events. If you’d like to join the list, let us have your e mail details and specific points of interest. It always pays to be informed. (send email to Bob Brown at

If you have recently retired on pension, why not take up membership of N.A.R.P.O. and receive the Durham Peeler Magazine (Twice/year), the National NARPO News magazine  (4 times/ year) Social Events, really competitive Insurance rates  and opportunity to attend the 6 bi-monthly meeting where you enjoy a great atmosphere, meet old friends and colleagues and keep up to date with things that affect your pension. Enough?  Well when the meeting ends, have a drink and light refreshments. Not only all this but you also get the Annual NARPO Diary All for £18.48/ year


HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone may it be a prosperous, healthy and successful New Year. And above all…..Keep smiling

Alan S. Watson

Chairman, Durham Branch N.A.R.P.O.

(To download a NARPO application form please CLICK HERE)

Wednesday 21 December 2011

New Membership Cards

NARPO will be issuing a new style membership card to all existing and future members in early January 2012.

The National Executive Committee has given some considerable thought to how we might improve and modernise the image of our organisation. Most recently the Executive Committee has considered the membership card itself and we felt that a more durable card with a modern design could help in improving that image for new and existing members alike.

We hope that members will find this card more convenient than the card it replaces. As you may know many of the advice lines and service providers, which we provide for members, require a membership number before they will complete any transaction. In the past this has led to many members calling us for that number. We hope that a more durable card, which is similar to a credit card in size, will be more convenient for them to retain in a handy place. The front of the card contains the member name and number. We believe this new card will help to reduce those calls and speed up access to advice and other services.

Most, if not all, of the services we offer are outlined on our website, which also contains significant advice on pensions and contact details for local branches amongst other things. The reverse of the card has all the National Office contact details and our website address, which we hope will make contacting us quicker and easier.

The production and circulation of cards for existing members is being handled for us by the company which has supplied the new card system. Their clients include many well known British institutions including the B.B.C, HMRC, DVLA and Greater Manchester Police.

We are hoping for a smooth transition to this new card system but recognise that in circulating cards to 82,000 existing members there may be the occasional problem but we are confident with your help we will be able to resolve these in relatively short time.

New members are being issued with the new cards as from 30 November 2011.

Sunday 18 December 2011

RPI/CPI Appeal decision

Click Here to view or download the documentMany Thanks to Ray Dinning for forwarding us information in relation to the Federation JBB Appeal against the adoption of CPI instead of the RPI

In short, the Appeal has been ‘kicked out’ and the reasons given by the Judges are shown in the document – albeit one judge did actually support the motion, but this was a minority view.

If you want to read the JBB Circular 031/2011 then click on the image and then either view or download the document.

On Tuesday, 7th December 2011, Steve Webb MP, the Minister of State for Work and Pensions, made a statement in Parliament confirming that it was the Government’s intention to increase the second state pension and thus as a consequence public sector pensions including police pensions, where appropriate, by the September 2011 Consumer Price Index figure of 5.2%, which will be applied to our pensions in April 2012.

Home Office Livery–1967 ??


Any body help out with this one ??

We received a query from a Uri Smus from Israel, who has been reviewing articles from a collection of magazines called Classic 999.

This picture appeared in issue 3 (June 2004)

Uri is wanting to know if anybody can shed some light about our vehicles at this particular time and the livery (which apparently was part of a Home Office initiative to make police vehicles more visible) and also asks if anybody has any other photo’s of Austin Westminster's or Jaguar Mk2s in this particular livery.

Was the photo taken at Newton Aycliffe and who is the cadet ??

If anybody has any relevant info then either leave a comment on this article or send an email to so that we can reply to Uri.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 142 William D. Henderson

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired officer ex-Sergeant 142 William D. HENDERSON who died on Sunday 27th November 2011 aged 84 years.
Mr. Henderson retired from Gateshead on 31st December 1972 following 25 years service.  He had previously served at Houghton-le-Spring, Ryhope, Middleton, Bede Burn, H.Q. T & C., C.I.D., Darlington, Felling and Gateshead.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

NARPO Villas

NARPO House, 38 Bond Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 2QP

Tel: 01924.362166    Fax: 01924 372088


To: All Branch Secretaries
NEC Members
Dear Colleague,

Thanks to a kind offer from Lord Wolf of Barleugh and his family, NARPO have access to two of the family villas for an initial period up to September 2013.

Villa Endymion is situated in Bloemendaal a pretty town on the outskirts of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Villa Scylla is situated in the suburbs of Lavena Ponte Tresa directly on Lake Lugarno, Italy near to its border with Switzerland.

The villas will be managed on a day to day basis through a charitable trust the Endymion Preservation Society (EPS). NARPO have agreed to manage the booking process to enable our members to take advantage of this generous offer. Access to the villas will be free to NARPO members and their party and neither EPS nor NARPO are making any charge for either the access to the properties or the administration of the booking process.
Costs of the travel arrangements to and from the villas will of course be members’ responsibility. It will also be members’ responsibility to ensure that they have adequate travel insurance to cover, in particular, for medical emergencies and unforeseen cancellations. There will be no charge for gas and electricity at the villas as this will be provided by EPS as will adequate bedding and towels for guests. Guest will however be expected to be as modest as is reasonable in their use of power and treat the properties with the respect a family home deserves. Those visiting the properties will have to leave a deposit against breakages with the caretaker, which will be returned on departure providing no damage has occurred during the visit.
Bookings will initially be for a one or two week period and changeover day will be Friday.

We have a dedicated page, on our website at This page contains further details of the properties, their locations and some suggested travel arrangements. There are also copies of ‘Housekeeping Brochures’ for each of the properties. Members will be required to complete and sign the appropriate brochures before bookings can be confirmed. You should be able to download these documents from our website. Hard copies of the brochure are available from the National Office.
We will only be taking booking in writing either by email using the dedicated booking address at or by letter to, 38 Bond Street, Wakefield, WF1 2QP. Members should include the number of people in their party when they initially apply for a booking. The final decision on bookings is entirely a matter for NARPO and we will be as fair as is possible but also be seeking to provide this service to as wide a range of members as is possible over the period that we have access to the villas. Preference will be given to parties which meet the sleeping accommodation available at each villa, initially on a first come basis. We can only take and confirm booking for the current month and the three months following that current month. For example in November 2011 we can take bookings up to the end of February 2012, in December 2011 up to the end of March 2012 and so on. We will not entertain applications that are in advance of those periods. We will only provide acknowledgements of successful bookings, that acknowledgement will include a requirement to complete the relevant ‘Booking Brochure’. Bookings will be confirmed immediately on receipt of a properly completed Housekeeping Brochure.
This is a new venture for both NARPO and EPS and one which we hope will improve and develop over time to allow our members access to this delightful accommodation situated in prestigious locations. Members need to bear in mind that the accommodation is of traditional design and has not been regularly occupied for some time. We will be happy to receive any feedback about your experiences in respect of both the booking process and at the villas with a view to improving within reason the free service we are jointly offering you with our kind benefactors.
Yours sincerely
Clint Elliott QPM
Chief Executive

Wednesday 23 November 2011

How to put a comment from yourself onto an article on this website

Computers can ‘drive us up the walls’ at times, and we have had a few enquiries from people who are struggling to put a comment to an article so……. hopefully this will help


1. First click at the bottom left hand corner of the article where in blue, it says 0 comments (this could be a number if comments have been previously left)



2. A white coloured box will then appear, beneath Post a Comment

this is where you can type in your comment



3. Next click on the upside down triangle to the right of where it says Comment as : select profile 

A box will then appear and by using your mouse select Name/URL



4. Where it says Name : type your name i.e Joe Bloggs then click on Continue



5. Finally click on the Post Comment box below where your name is. Your comment will then be sent to the website and will need to be approved by Durham NARPO before it appears on the website.

If you still are having trouble, then simply send an email with the comment you want putting on the article to : and we will put it on for you.

Hope this helps…

Wednesday 16 November 2011

One for our Ladies

Request from TV production company:

“Here at Topical Television was are in production on a series called 'Crime and Punishment'  looking at the changes in policing and prisons over the past 50 years . The series is for BBC 1 daytime and will transmit early next year.

One of the short films we are making for the series is on the History of Women in Policing within which we are looking to interview several retired female officers to tell their stories and share their career memories.  We are keen to have accounts from several different officers from throughout the last 50 years if possible. Maybe two friends that were in the force together or women who served at different levels of the force, PC'S through to Superintendents. Anyone who has a story to tell especially if it involves key moment or changes in policing over the last 50 years we would love to hear from them.” 

Sophie Dunn


Topical Television

61 Devonshire Rd


Hants. SO15 2GR

Tel: 02380 712233 / 07909946713

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Cadet Training School–Hardwick House–1973 & 1972

Two more from the Murphy ‘locker’.
Hardwick House 1972<br />Back Row      Dave Armstrong (N’bria) Brian Rowley (N’bria) Geoff Rumford (Dur) Chris Hodgson (Dur) Lenny Graydon (N’bria) Stuart Johnson (Dur) Brian O’Neill (N’bria) Paul Murphy (Dur) Stuart Brown (Dur) Gary Bulman (N’bria)<br />Middle Row:  Brian Scott (Dur) John Bianchi (Dur) Dave Smith (Dur) George Walker (Dur) Bill Crosby (Dur) Jim Thompson (Dur) Brent Howard (N’bria) Mike Connolly (N’bria) Anton Nichol (York & Yorks NE) Tony Garton (Hull) Frank Whittle (Dur) Keith Poulton (Dur)<br />Front Row: Gary Phillips (Dur) Dave Vickers (Dur) John Bassett (Dur) George Hickman (Dur) Sgt PJ Smith (York & Yorks NE) Supt Hugh Blenkin (Dur) PC Ronnie Lambert (Dur) Alec Francis (Dur) Alf Bowman (Dur) Ronnie Bright (Dur) Richard Hamshaw (York & Yorks NE)
Hardwick House 1972
Back Row :  Dave Armstrong (N’bria) Brian Rowley (N’bria) Geoff Rumford (Dur) Chris Hodgson (Dur) Lenny Graydon (N’bria) Stuart Johnson (Dur) Brian O’Neill (N’bria) Paul Murphy (Dur) Stuart Brown (Dur) Gary Bulman (N’bria)

Middle Row:  Brian Scott (Dur) John Bianchi (Dur) Dave Smith (Dur) George Walker (Dur) Bill Crosby (Dur) Jim Thompson (Dur) Brent Howard (N’bria) Mike Connolly (N’bria) Anton Nichol (York & Yorks NE) Tony Garton (Hull) Frank Whittle (Dur) Keith Poulton (Dur)
Front Row: Gary Phillips (Dur) Dave Vickers (Dur) John Bassett (Dur) George Hickman (Dur) Sgt PJ Smith (York & Yorks NE) Supt Hugh Blenkin (Dur) PC Ronnie Lambert (Dur) Alec Francis (Dur) Alf Bowman (Dur) Ronnie Bright (Dur) Richard Hamshaw (York & Yorks NE)

Durham Police Cadets - Hardwick House - 1973
Hardwick House 1973
Back Row :  Brian Henderson (father of Jordan,) Stuart Brown, Jim Robinson, Neil Hobson, Keith Armstrong , Denny Pygall, Alan Sinden, Y&YNE?, Brian Rogers Y&YNE, Joe Baker, N’bria?
To the left hand side is Steve McLean and in front of him Paul Wood
Middle Row: Ian Hall, Y&YNE?, Brian Scott, N’bria?, Eric Robson (Junior Fireman), Keith Poulton, Alan Winn N’bria?, George Walker, N’bria?, Y&YNE?, Mike Connolly (N’bria)
Front Row: John Bianchi, Chris Hodgson, Geoff Rumford, Sgt PJ Smith, Supt Ray Basham, PC Ronnie Lambert, Gary Phillips, Dave Smith , Paul Murphy

Monday 14 November 2011

Committee Meeting - tonight at Bishop Auckland Hospital Club

Durham NARPO committee meet tonight at Bishop Auckland Hospital Club, Escomb Road, Bishop Auckland

 (Click HERE for directions)

Meeting starts at 1930hrs.

Light buffet afterwards

All members are invited to come along and enjoy

Police Cadets D of E hike in Skye

One from Karen Nicholson….. Picture shows Karen and Kath Philips with a bunch of male cadets before they went off hiking in Skye where Karen believes the male cadets completed their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Hike whilst Karen & Kath pursued other outdoor activities…
Who are the male cadets ?? (click on the image to view/download)
Duke of Edinburghs Hike

L to R : Karen Nicholson, Kath Philips, Ian Stirling, Ian Wilson, Eric Young, Keith Judd,?,?

Sunday 13 November 2011

Cadet Training School Staff 1974

Cadet Training School Staff 1974

Back : WPC Karen Nicholson, PC George Nixon, PC Alan Goad, Sgt John Smith, Sgt Dave Cromarty, Sgt Ray Clish

Front : PC Ronnie Lambert, Sgt Frank Pickering, Insp. Colin Neal, Supt. Ray Basham. Sgt Ralph Atkinson, PC Derek Hall

Police Cadet Rugby Teams – 1973 & 1974

Durham Police Cadets Rugby Team 1974 - Winners of the County Colts CupBack Row : ?,Brian Gibson, Colin Crathorne,Keith Lowery, Pop Robsonwith Denny Pygal, Neil Patrick, Eric Suddes, Dickie Smithson, Keith Armstrong, Fraser Gill, Tommy Thompson, Brian Gibson, Neil Hobson, Ray Basham, Colin Crathorne, George Nixon, Bob Brown,Harry Stephenson, Syd Wareham, Alan Sinden, Graham Alderton, Malcolm Patterson and Malcom Patterson.
Durham Police Cadets Rugby Team 1974 - Winners of the County Colts Cup

Back : ?,Brian Gibson, Colin Crathorne,Keith Lowery, Pop Robson
Centre : Neil Patrick, Richard Smithson, Tommy Thompson, Neil Hobson, Bob Brown, Harry Stephenson, Syd Wareham & Graham Alderton
Front : Denny Pygall, Eric Suddes, Fraser Gill, Supt. Ray Basham, Sgt George Nixon, Dickie Gardner,Alan Sinden & Malcolm Patterson

Cadet Rugby Team 1973c
Durham Police Cadets Rugby Team 1973
Back : Tom Fortune, Dave Collier, M Moorhead, Dickie Jane, John Proud
Middle : Chris Catnach, Ian Snowball, Alan Sinden, Fred Wright, J Massey, Pop Robson, Denny Pygall
Front: Neil Hobson, John Bianchi, Eric Suddes, Sgt George Nixon, Supt. Ray Basham, Fraser Gill, Charlie Kay, Bob Brown & Gary Phillips
(Click on the images to view/download them)

Cadet Training School 1974

Cadet Training School 1974
Front Row : L to R : PC Alan Goad, Sgt Ray Clish, WPC Karen Nicholson, PC George Nixon, Pc Ronnie Lambert, PC Derek Hall, Sgt Frank Pickering, Insp Colin Neill, Ch Supt Vickers ??, Supt Ray Basham,Sgt George Atkinson, Sgt Smith, Sgt Dave Cromarty, Connie Garner (House mother), Geoff Horsefield (Durham Tech), George Wardle (Durham Tech).
Who else do you recognize ?????
Double click on the image to view it a a larger size

Saturday 12 November 2011

Motor School Staff 1972

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Motor School Staff photo, c.1972, the move from Sedgefield to HQ<br />     Back Row,  Ted Barber, Alan Drake, Dick Hart ?, Barney Conlon, Graham Suddick, Vic Dunn, John Nixon, Peter Willis, Jock Little, Cec Melville, Fred McDonald, Johnny Waller, Norman Galloway, John Glendinning, Joe Millican, ?<br />     Front Row,  Cyril Pearson, Jock Murphy, Alan Miller MPO Sgt (later transferred to N’bria), Fred Anderson, Alf Charlton, Mary Lancaster, Tommy Lingwood, Dave Hodgson, Harry Lancaster
Motor School Staff photo, c.1972, the move from Sedgefield to HQ
     Back Row,  Ted Barber, Alan Drake, Dick Hart, Barney Conlon, Graham Suddick, Vic Dunn, John Nixon, Peter Willis, Jock Little, Cec Melville, Fred McDonald, Johnny Waller, Norman Galloway, John Dinning, Joe Millican, Arthur Morley
     Front Row,  Cyril Pickering, Jock Murphy, George Miller MPO Sgt (later transferred to N’bria), Fred Anderson, Alf Charlton, Mary Lancaster, Tommy Lingwood, Dave Hodgson, Harry Lancaster

Driving Course 1969

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Sgt Jock Murphy, 2 students, Aykley Heads training area, 1969.  Jag Mk II AUP 321F. Later written off when a tree fell on it Quarryheads Lane,Durham, put Jock in hospital for 6 months
Sgt Jock Murphy, 2 students, Aykley Heads training area, 1969.  Jag Mk II AUP 321F.
Later written off when a tree fell on it Quarryheads Lane,Durham, put Jock in hospital for 6 months

1960’s–Driving Instructors

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Instructors, Sedgefield 1960’s,  L to R   ?, Athol Burnham, Jock Murphy, Joe Millican, Sgt Tommy Lingwood
Instructors, Sedgefield 1960’s,  L to R   Dick Hart, Cyril Nicholson , Athol Burnham, Jock Murphy, Joe Millican, Sgt Tommy Lingwood

Advanced Driving Course 1966

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Advanced Course, students at the front and instructors at the rear. Sedgefield, 1966?, 2 Westminsters LPT 124C and HUP 110D, My Dad’s Jag Mk II, BUP 75B is behind
Advanced Course, students at the front and instructors at the rear. Sedgefield, 1966?
2 Westminster's LPT 124C and HUP 110D, My Dad’s Jag Mk II, BUP 75B is behind

1965 ??

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s

We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages :

PC’s Ted Barber, Jock Murphy, George Robson, Athol Burnham, ?  ,  Sedgefield,  1960’s

PC’s Ted Barber, Jock Murphy, George Robson, Athol Burnham, ?  ,  Sedgefield,  1960’s

Advanced Driving Course- 1950’s ?

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Advanced course. Instructors from the right Athol Burnham, Brian Leng, Ted Barber, ?, Jock Murphy Cars, Austin?, Year?
Advanced course. Instructors from the right Athol Burnham, Brian Leng, Ted Barber, ?, Jock Murphy Cars, Austin?, Year?

Memories from the Murphy household

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
PC Brian Leng, Jock Murphy, ?,?,? Humber or Austin, Year?
PC Brian Leng, Jock Murphy, Bill Adam,?,? Humber or Austin, Year?

Aycliffe HQ ?

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s

We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages :

PC Joe Millican, a Scottish Instructor, PC Jock Murphy, Aycliffe HQ?  Year?  Car?
PC Joe Millican, a Scottish Instructor, PC Jock Murphy, Aycliffe HQ?  Year?  Car?
PC Joe Millican, a Scottish Instructor, PC Jock Murphy, Aycliffe HQ?  Year?  Car?
PC Joe Millican, a Scottish Instructor, PC Jock Murphy, Aycliffe HQ?  Year?  Car?
Joe Millican, Jock Murphy, Aycliffe HQ, year?, car?,
Joe Millican, Jock Murphy, Aycliffe HQ, year?, car?,

Cadet Camp early 60’s

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the images to view/download) :
Cadet Camp, Plawsworth, early 1960’s, my Dad was a PTI.  I recognise Duncan Adamson and Jack Wharrier
Jock Murphy – Front Row at left
Cadet Camp, Plawsworth, early 1960’s, my Dad was a PTI.  I recognise Duncan Adamson and Jack Wharrier
Cadet Camp, Plawsworth, early 1960’s, my Dad was a PTI.  I recognise Duncan Adamson and Jack Wharrier

Memories from the Murphy household

Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
My Dad’s syndicate 1949. I think Plawsworth was the Training camp.  From the top, he is extreme right, second row. To his left is PC Tom Dent, later Head of Cleveland Probation Service. Same row and second from the left is PC Jimmy Elliott.
My Dad’s syndicate 1949. I think Plawsworth was the Training camp.  From the top, he is extreme right, second row. To his left is PC Tom Dent, later Head of Cleveland Probation Service. Same row and second from the left is PC Jimmy Elliott.

Friday 11 November 2011

Police Review magazine to close after 118yrs

Police ReviewPolice trade magazine Jane's Police Review is to close after 118 years in print, putting eight jobs at risk.

Publisher IHS has pledged to try to find new positions for editor Chris Herbert and deputy editor Royston Martis, along with three reporters and other commercial staff who will otherwise face redundancy.
The final edition of the magazine is due to be published on 18 November, with the website closing on 28 November.

Announcing the closure, IHS group publishing director Sean Howe said the company would be retiring the entire Police Review product line – including the website, police handbooks and the Gala Awards – due to "changes in the marketplace".
"We have come to this conclusion after a long period of careful consideration and we sincerely regret any inconvenience this will cause our loyal customers.
"We would also like to thank the editor, Chris Herbert, the sales manager, Ian Barrett, and their respective teams for their commitment to Police Review, and the products and events which have grown up around it, both over recent years and in the remaining weeks during which we will be publishing."
Howe thanked the magazine's readers "loyal support over the years".
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said on Twitter: "Sorry to hear of closure of Police Review - it will be great loss to serious discussion and debate on policing" and shadow chancellor Ed Balls called the closure a "tragedy".

The final hard copy issue of the magazine will be dated 25 November. The website will be closed down on 28 November and the last issue of Police Product ­Review will be published on 18 November

A moment to reflect


In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flander's fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, tho poppies grow
In Flander's fields.

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

Death of a retired Police Officer - Reginald Herbert CAMPBELL

It is with sadness that we advise colleagues of the death of former police officer Reginald Herbert CAMPBELL, who died on Monday 7th November 2011 aged 89 years.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Edward (Ted) Roberts, B.E.M.

It is with regret that we have to inform you of the death of Edward (Ted) Roberts, B.E.M.  died 9th November, 2011 aged 87 years.
Ted served with Durham Constabulary  up to the amalgamations in 1974, when he transferred to Northumbria.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Durham Peeler – Winter 2011

Winter 2011Chairman Alan Watson has been hard at work over the last few months putting together the latest edition of the Durham Peeler.

Click on the image to go to the Durham Peeler webpage where you can then click on the images of the Peeler and either read them online or download them to your own computer in pdf format

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Superintendent William Hedley Robinson

It is with deepest sadness that we have to inform you of the death of former Superintendent William Hedley Robinson who died on 30th October 2011 aged 75 years.
Mr Robinson was appointed 27.08.1956 and retired on pensionon 04.05.1990.  He initially served in the West Hartlepool area followed by postings including Greatham, Darlington,SIS at HQ, Spennymoor and Newton Aycliffe. In 1979 he moved to HQ and served in Motor School, Training, Traffic and Personnel/Records.  In 1985 he was Deputy Branch Commander in Traffic moving to a temporary attachment as Sub-Divisional Commander at Darlington in June/July.  Mr Robinson then became Sub-Divisional Commander at Wear Valley/Wear and Tees Sub Division based at Bishop Aucklandand he retired from this post in May 1990.

Friday 28 October 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Chief Inspector George Robert Leete

It is with regret that we have to inform you of the death of retired Chief Inspector George Robert Leete  who died on 19th October 2011, aged 86 years.
Mr Leete was appointed in 1947 and retired in 1973 having performed the majority of his police service in the Sunderlandand /Roker areas. 
He also worked as an Instructor at the No2 Regional Training Centre between 1964-66.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer -Sgt George Walker

It is with regret that we have to inform you of the death of retired Sgt George Walker, aged 87 years, who died on  October 11, 2011.

Monday 17 October 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 321 George William Lear

It is with regret that we announce the death of a retired Police Officer : Sergeant 321 George William LEAR who died on 14th October 2011, aged 76 years.
Mr. Lear retired from Darlington on 16th January 1985 following 29 years service.  He had previously served at Headquarters, Bishop Auckland, Houghton-le-Spring, Dishforth, Teesdale and Darlington.

Funeral arrangements have been confirmed as follows:-
The service will be held at Cowpen Cemetery Chapel, Cowpen Road, Blyth, NE24 5SZ on Thursday 20th October 2011 at 1.15pm followed by interment.
No flowers by request of the family however donations in lieu, if so desired, can be made via a collection box at the Chapel. 
Any donations will be split equally between the Oasis Room at Wansbeck Hospital and The Blue Lamp Foundation.
Our thoughts are with the family at this sad time.

Monday 10 October 2011

Top this for a speeding ticket…..


I’m sure one or two of our Durham officers had a similar feeling in the past when sat up on the A66 road at the top of Galley Bank when the plane’s used to be on low flying exercises and would ‘shake’ the car as they passed overhead !!

Mugs4coffee– mug(s) for that special occasion

9%20pints%201 dog%202 long%20thin%202
Doug Mcgarvie, is a  retired police officer from Merseyside Police, retiring in 2003 after 30 years service. Since then he has set up and run a personalised coffee mug company
Doug has recently obtained the rights to produce various pieces of artwork onto mugs, including Lawson Wood's 'Nine Pints of The Law' and numerous pieces of artwork by Jedd.
Some of the artwork can be viewed at
If you are looking for a mug for a special occasion then email Doug at : for more information

Death of a retired Police Officer - Inspector Donald Scott

It is with regret that we inform you of the recent death of Donald Scott , 77 years, who died on the 4th October, 2011. 
Don Scott joined Durham County Constabulary in 1954 serving many years on Traffic before taking a  detached beat at Sunniside and thereafter court office at Whickham. He transferred to Northumbria on the amalgamation and posted to Gateshead as Sgt and later Inspector at Felling, where he was medically retired in 1978.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 0004 Thomas Frederick Ord

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired Sgt 0004 Thomas Frederick Ord from Darlington, who died on the 4/09/2011 aged 93 years.
Mr Ord retired from HQ in 1968 following 30 years service. He had previously served at Houghton, Murton, Seaham Harbour, Dawdon, Middleton-in-Tees and South Hylton.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 244 Thomas Parkin Robinson

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired Sgt. 244 Mr Thomas Parkin Robinson, from Stapleton, who died on the 25/09/2011 aged 89 years.
Mr Robinson retired from Eastbourne in 1976 following 30 years service. He has previously served at Seaham Harbour, Leeholme, South Pelaw, Darlington and HQ.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Top teams put thieves on metal alert

Theft of metal is causing huge disruption and upset within the region, with copper wire thefts disrupting train services, broadband /phone, electricity supplies etc whilst lead is being stolen from church roofs and even war memorials

Durham Constabulary is boosting its response to metal thefts as part of a major crackdown on this growing crime. 
New units are being put together under the banner of Operation Hansel, the crossborder response to metal theft. 
Teams of five or six officers, some of which are specific road policing teams, will target those responsible for most of the metal theft and scrap metal crime happening in County Durham and Darlington.
“The theft of metal is an increasing problem not only in this area but across the country because of the high value that it fetches for scrap,” says Chief Supt Dave Orford, who is leading the force’s response to metal theft.
“We’re already doing a lot to combat the problem, gathering intelligence all the time and working closely with the people who run scrap yards in the area. The new teams have been put together to focus specifically on this type of crime and
they aim to target those people we know to be the worst offenders. However, we also need the help of local residents to make the most of this campaign. We’re asking anyone who sees a vehicle carrying metal to report it so we can ensure that it’s operating legally.  We’re also asking people not to make things easy for thieves: don’t leave metal items like bikes or garden equipment insecure and keep an eye on any unoccupied property where you live and report anything suspicious.”
Anyone with information should contact Durham Constabulary on 0345 60 60 365 or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Inspector Norman Smith

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired Inspector Mr Norman Smith from Sunderland, who died on the 26/09/2011 aged 83 years.
Mr Smith retired from Sunderland in 1974 following 25 years service, he had worked at Sunderland police station throughout his 25 years service.

Monday 26 September 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - PC 461 Richard Jackson

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired PC 461 Richard Jackson from Whitby, who died on the 8th September 2011 aged 91 years.
Mr Jackson retired from Horden CID in 1972 following 25 years service. He had previously served at HQ, Darlington, Hurworth, Hamsterley Colliery, Consett & Horden.

Monday 19 September 2011

Death of a police staff colleague : Tracy Thackery-Smith

It is with great sadness that we need to advise colleagues of the death of Tracey Thackeray-Smith who died on Saturday 17th September 2011.
Tracey joined Durham Constabulary in June 2008 and worked at Consett in a Front Counter Clerk role and also as part of the CJU team

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Great North Run. Charity Appeal

AWshoes Andy Watson, a serving W.O.1 Officer in the British Army , having just returned from a  second ‘tour’ in Afghanistan will once again be travelling from Chippenham  to run (fundraising for charity) in the Great North Run on Sunday, 18th September, 2011
He is running to raise charitable funds for the Royal Institute for the Blind.
His target this year is £300.00. If you feel you can make a contribution to this target, please sponsor him via the internet link:
Thank you for your anticipated support.
Alan S. Watson.

Friday 9 September 2011

The Rover 2.6 Patrol car !!

Click Here to view larger picture
Rover 2.6, VUP 142V, Alpha Red 49 with PC 1017 Brian Jones. Photograph taken on the Causey Road near Stanley by PC 1153 Keith Butler at the end of a night shift in July 1981
Click Here to view larger picture
Ford Granada -  Alpha Red 47 driven by PC 1017 Brian Jones accompanied by Chief Superintendent Alf Charlton and (believed) Chief Inspector Purdy. The photograph was taken by Sgt John Noble at Burnhope Way, Peterlee on 8th July 1983 on the occasion of the visit of HRH Princess Diana to Peterlee town centre and the Fisher Price factory.

Many Thanks to Brian Jones who sent the above photo’s showing one of our trusty old Ford Granada’s and one of the ‘delightful’ Rover SD1’s which we ran in 2.3(supervision), 2.6(patrol) and 3.5(motorway) versions.

Brian asks the question : Possibly the worst patrol car ever!? Perhaps we could have some debate?

RPI to CPI : E-Petition to view

CLICK HEREDear Colleagues

I have been made aware of the attached e-petition on the government’s change to the uprating of pensions from RPI to CPI, which has recently been made available on the Directgov web-site:

You will be aware that we are currently challenging this change by Judicial Review and the case it due to be heard in the High Court later this year. Should the site receive 100K responses it will result in the matter being debated by Parliament, which may assist our challenge.

Please feel free to circulate as widely as possible.


Ian Rennie

General Secretary

Police Federation of E&W

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Copper Plate–August 2011 (Issue 84)

Issue 84

August 2011 edition of Copper Plate (the first electronic edition) can be viewed by clicking on the image.

You can view older editions of Copper Plate by clicking on the menu bar above or by CLICKING HERE

‘Missed But Never Forgotten’–DC Vince Myhan

the late Vince Myhan with wife KarenColleagues of a Darlington-based police officer have been paying tribute after his sudden death from a heart attack.
Det Con Vince Myhan, 45, became ill at the home he shared with his wife, Karen in the early hours of Wednesday, June 8. Despite being rushed to the James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough he died shortly after arrival. Vince joined the force in October 1991 and spent most of his career in the south of the county. Since 2005 he had been based in Darlington, working as a beat officer before postings to the offender management unit, vulnerability unit and CID. In July last year he received a commendation for his work on a difficult case which led to a Darlington man being sentenced to a minimum ten years in prison for the attempted murder of his baby son. Det Sgt Jim Cunningham, who worked alongside him on many cases, described Vince as the life and soul of the office and someone who always gave 100 per cent. “His work ethic was tremendous and he was always determined to treat with dignity and respect everybody he had dealings with. “We have had several calls from witnesses, crime victims and others who knew Vince and were very upset to hear of his death,” he said. 
Vince’s area commander, Chief Supt Andy Reddick, said; “Vince was focused on serving the community and he displayed the highest levels of professionalism; he was particularly proud of his work in the vulnerability unit dealing with some of the most vulnerable members of our community. He will be missed, but never forgotten.”

By Martin Wallwork (Copper Plate issue 84)

Death of a retired Police Officer - Inspector 843 Marshall John Dodds

It is with regret that we announce the death of ex- Inspector 843 Marshall John Dodds of Morpeth, Northumberland who died suddenly on 3rd September 2011aged 74 years. 
Mr Dodds leaves a widow, Mrs Jacqueline Dodds.
Mr Dodds joined Durham Constabulary in 1960 and served in various postings including West Hartlepool, Etherley, Ramshaw, Consett, Stanley,C.I.D. and Chester-le-Street from where he retired in 1985.
The funeral service will take place on Monday, 12th September 2011 at 1.00 West Road Crematorium, Newcastle upon Tyne.
The service is not private. Friends and former colleagues are also invited afterwards to the Plough Inn, Front  Street, Ellington, Morpeth.
Donations in lieu of flowers are requested to the British Heart Foundation
Our thoughts are with Mrs Dodds and her family at this sad time.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Death of ex W/Sgt Norah Mackay (Durham and Northumbria Police)

It is with regret that we announce the death of Norah Mackay (nee Milburn) who died on 10th August, 2011 aged 83 years.. Norah (Milburn) joined Durham County Constabulary in the mid/late 1950s, serving at Chester le Street and Jarrow, where she was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and later married  P.C. Rodderick McGregor McKay (also now deceased). In the amalgamation of  of Force boundaries in 1974, she transferred to Northumbria, serving at Gateshead until her retirement.

Friday 15 July 2011

Death of ex CC of West Mercia - Alexander Allan Rennie (ex Durham)

It is with regret that we have to notify you of the death of  former West Mercia Chief Constable, Alec Rennie who served in Durham County for nearly 26 years .. He left Durham in 1963 to become DCC in the old Shropshire Force, now part of West Mercia.
The former Chief Constable of West Mercia, Alexander Allan RENNIE CBE, O St..J, QPM, MiD died on 8th. July, he was 94. Alec’s health had deteriorated since he had a stroke some months ago. He served with Durham County Constabulary from 13.09.37 – 31.03.63, Shropshire from 01.04.63 – 30.09.67 and West Mercia from 01.10.67 – 23.01.81.
He leaves a widow, Lucy, who has Alzheimer’s. Next-of-kin is their son Alex Rennie, 2 Wesley Close, Kings Meadow, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 2YE.
The funeral of Mr Rennie will take place on Wednesday 10th August at Worcester Crematorium. For more information, and if you wish to attend, please contact mobile number : 07737 059 124

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - PC335 Joe Baker

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired PC 335 John George Baker, who is better known as Joe Baker from Durham, who died on the 25th June 2011 aged 55 years.
Mr Baker retired from Darlington in 1996 following 22 years service. He had previously served at HQ, Sedgefield, Spennymoor and Ferryhill.
He leaves a widow Mrs Gillian Baker.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Abolishment of Disability Living Allowance

One from the secretary (Barry Crawford)
Hi All,
Please see below message from Disability Alliance, of which we are members.
I would be grateful if you would consider completing the survey, it literally takes less than a minute, this proposal will have a negative impact for some of our members.
Dear member/subscriber,
The Government plans to abolish DLA for working age disabled people (16-64 years of age) continue apace. The Welfare Reform Bill has now completed Commons stages.
Disability Alliance has used your previous input and our survey on DLA to express concerns to DWP about the potential impact of the Government plans. We believe many disabled people would be substantially disadvantaged as a result of Government proposals to reduce expenditure by over £2 billion and end low rate care DLA payments (which 652,000 disabled people currently receive). Disabled people and members have told us that the plans may cause higher use of NHS/council services for example. DWP have, to date, failed to address our concerns sadly.
Disability Alliance is now considering legal action to ensure DWP meets legitimate expectations in terms of DLA/PIP plans. We are very keen to know what our members/subscribers think of this proposed action to ensure we are not acting without a mandate.
Please tell us what you think by completing the very short survey online at:
Please do also circulate this request widely to other colleagues and users.
We are very grateful for your views and will ensure we let all members/subscribers know the outcome of this survey and any potential legal challenge.
Thanks and best wishes,
Ken Butler
Tax Credits, Benefits and Membership Advisor

Retirees Reunion

Social Afternoon Sunday, 12th June, 2011 at H.Q. Aykley Heads, Durham
Last year, thanks to the combined efforts of Durham Constabulary Executive and their Staff working in close co-operation with the Durham NARPO Officers, Alan Watson, Barry & Angie Crawford and Colin Appleby, all pensioners were invited to attend  the first, spectacular combined social function where ALL police and Support Staff retirees were able to come together for a great social occasion (Read about it in our archives).
On Sunday, 12th June, 2011, the same winning team, working once again very closely with H.Q. Strategic Manager, Amanda Dodds and Amanda Wilson, prepared for a second and hopefully even more successful social afternoon.
A number of those who enjoyed the event last year, were absent, (mainly due to off peak holidays….). George Hedges was meanwhile not on holiday but doing a charity cycle ride from John O’ Groats to Lands End (ouch)!

The numbers were however once again swelled by many retirees who had learned of the previous success and decided to attend – all very welcome I assure you.

All we need now is for ALL retirees to get the message!

Thanks to the determined and enthusiastic cooperation of the Executive, ably led by Chief Constable Jon Stoddart -  
despite the severe financial constraints placed on the Force, (helped in no small way by  the financial input by Durham Branch of  NARPO), we were able to match our previous great day for pensioners. We should at this point acknowledge the many volunteers who selflessly extended their services to help make this a wonderful occasion – all too often such an immense volume of voluntary organisation is taken for granted
Durham Constabulary’s magnificent Band and equally prestigious Choir provided a great afternoon of music and song to over 250 attendees. The weather was a little more kind this time and NARPO, Durham Constabulary Archive, the Beamish Museum, Force HQ and The Blue Knights group all provided eye catching static displays.
A volunteer Force photographer captured parties as they came in and free photographs provided to fit into the very tastefully designed commemorative Programme of Event souvenir and a free draw for a beautifully iced and presented celebration cake made by Mrs. Swinburne..  A magnificent NARPO financed Raffle, organised by Tom Baxter and ‘the Crawford duo’ raised £305.00 which was generously donated to offset the costs of the “do”.
Traffic Department once again excelled themselves with an impressive display of the ‘state of the art’ Police cars and motor cycles (much to the delight of all those able enough to go downstairs and chat to the officers present. This year,  three  excellent Operational Presentation were made by D/Supt Neil Malkin (The Ricin Investigation); Murder Investigation by D/Supt Adrian Green and Organised Crime Groups by Inspector Dave Turner  were well attended. 
As you would expect from such a gathering, the constant chatter, back slapping and gleeful and genuinely pleasant reunions of retired colleagues (some even forfeiting their customary afternoon nap (only kidding folks…) gave an overall, magical atmosphere. To the organizers, it was a sense of great satisfaction to see so many people having such a great and enjoyable afternoon out.  Naturally, the refreshments on this occasion were a little more modest (typically noted by one or two of the more “optimistic souls” who attended…). Watch this space for next year’s event. Be there!  

If anybody has any photo’s from the event please can you send the images as jpg’s to and we will add them to this album

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - PC 977 Paul D Tulloch

It is with regret that we have to have to advise colleagues of the death of former PC 977 Paul D Tulloch who died on 7th June aged 52 years.

Paul joined Durham Constabulary as Cadet in January 1975 and was appointed as a Constable in January 1977.  He initially served at Derwentside and moved to Durham in 1980.  In 1985 he moved to Sherburn Section then joined the Dog Section in 1986 where he served until his retirement on 9th September 2004.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Who are the faces from West Midlands – Range Rover Course


An email came through to Alan Watson asking for information with regards to the above photo and in particular if anybody has contact with Jim Wilson :

“Hi Alan,

Back in the Peeler some time ago there was an piece written by Jim Wilson who left Durham and joined The West Midlands.  He mentioned about being posted to The Midland Links Motorway Police Group.  Back in 73/74 on the local amalgamations I went onto The Mid Links from Sutton Coldfield Traffic. I have attached a photograph that was taken during this time when we attended a Range Rover course at Lode Lane , Solihull.

I am 3rd from the right (what a smart young looking lad)

Also we had an Insp. from Durham who also transferred with the Durham lads and I think his name was Harry Ashworth. 
If at all possible can you forward on the attached picture to Jim Wilson he may know a few of the faces.

Regards - Tony Stainthorpe.”

If you can help out with any names etc please leave a comment or email us at

Death of a retired Police Officer - PC 981 Alan Charles Thompson

It is with regret that we have to announce the death of Ex PC 981 Alan Charles Thompson aged 58 years who died on 12th June 2011.
Alan left Durham Constabulary Communications in 2008 but many colleagues will recall Alan being a Dog Handler for many years. 
After 30 years service Alan served on the 30plus scheme and worked in Comms retiring in 2008.  He had previously served at Hartlepool, Darlington, Aycliffe, Sedgefield, West Auckland, Shildon and with the Dog Section.
A service will be held at 11.00 am on Tuesday 21st June 2011 at Wear Valley Crematorium (Coundon).  The funeral is not private and friends are welcome to attend the service.
Alan’s family have requested no flowers but donations in lieu can be made to the Intensive Care Unit at James Cook Hospital please.  There will be a plate for donations to the Intensive Care Unit at the Crematorium.
He leaves a wife, Leigh, son Christopher and a daughter Alex and daughter-in-law Emma.
Our thoughts are with Alan’s family at this sad time.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 23 Hugh Geddes

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired Sgt 23 Hugh Geddes from Belmont, Durham, who died on the 04/06/2011 aged 84 years.
Mr Geddes retired from HQ in 1977 following 29 years service. He had previously served at Bishop Auckland, Barnard Castle and Etherley.
Mr Geddes leaves a widow Dorothy.

Monday 30 May 2011

Durham Constabulary “Retirees Reunion” & Social Afternoon

Durham Constabulary “Retirees Reunion” &  Social Afternoon
Durham Police Headquarters, Aykley Heads
Sunday, 12th June, 2011
commencing 1.30pm (for 2pm) until 5pm
Building on the success of the first all new “Retirees Reunion” organized jointly by Durham Constabulary and Durham Branch of N.A.R.P.O. in June, last year, we are delighted to extend an invitation to ALL retired Police and Civilian personnel {Serving personnel also very welcome]
Come along and enjoy a great afternoon out - lots of things to see and do. Meet old friends and colleagues’
Everyone who attended last year enthusiastically agreed that it was a wonderful afternoon out and time simply flew away. Many wished the afternoon could have gone on and on…!
Police Band and Police Choir; Motor Patrol and Motor Cycle vehicles on display. See the latest in technology.
Dog Section practical demonstration; NARPO and Constabulary H.Q. Displays to name but a few.
NARPO raffle with proceeds to subsidise this event
Note: Light refreshments will be provided.
Chair lift installed for those who are unable to manage the stairs to the Dining Room.
N.B. ADMISSION is by ticket only.
Apply for your ticket(s) early to be sure of your place and to help in the organization of security, safety and catering (light refreshments only) please
Tickets are available on application:
N.A.R.P.O. members & Widows from:
Mrs. Angie Crawford
e-mail: Telephone 0191 5180996
or write to : 8, Warwick Place, Peterlee, SR2 2EZ
All other applications from:
Colin Appleby
e-mail: Telephone 0191 5846178
or write to 21 Lea Rigg, West Rainton, Houghton le Spring, DH4 6SR
Don’t delay! Apply today to avoid disappointment.


Thursday 26 May 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 611 Margaret Anderson

It is with regret that we announce the death of retired Sgt 611 Margaret Anderson from Croxdale, who died on the 18th May aged 78 years.

Margaret retired from Wear Valley in 1984 following 28 years service. She had previously served at HQ, Durham, Spennymoor and Bishop Auckland.
She was a dearly loved wife of Joe Anderson.

Friday 6 May 2011

Death of a retired police staff colleague - Olive Patterson

It is with regret that we have to inform you of the death of a former police staff colleague, Olive I Patterson, who sadly died on 4th May 2011 aged 83 years.
Olive was appointed to Durham Constabulary in 1968 and worked initially out of Aycliffe, Police HQ later moving to the present HQ where for many years she worked in Police Recruiting.  She also worked in Accounts for a short time and retired from Durham City in 1986.
Olive was a widow, but colleagues may also remember Olive through her husband, John, who worked in Workshops for many years but who sadly died in 1989.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Death of a retired Police Officer - Supt. Ernest George Miller

It is with regret that we have to inform you of the death of Ernest George MILLER , retired Police Superintendent of Northumbria Police, who died in hospital after a short illness on April 6, aged 74 years, Mr Miller is survived by his wife Mary and son Michael.
Mr Miller is known to have served at Hartlepool and Driving School before transferring to Northumbria in 1974.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Discounted holiday offer Pearly Grey Ocean Club/Tenerife

Pearl Grey Ocean Club

The attached offer was given to the Police Federations and Narpo last year and was well received by your members.  We are continuing with the offer for 2011 and can now take reservations as far in advance as 18months with a choice of 1 bed units sleeps 4 or 2 bed units sleeping up to 6 people for an incredible £150 per apartment per 7 night stay, this is a saving of £300. Please quote NARPO when submitting your enquiry and one of our friendly reservation staff will contact you to answer any questions and finalise your holiday request.

I will shortly be forwarding the Special Offer relating to our quiet period for people wanting to use this offer in May, June & July which offers an additional €50 of spending credit in our 5* Bar/Restaurant during their stay with us.


Bernadeen Robinson

Tel No : 00 34 922 743903
Fax No :
00 34 922 741407

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Death of a retired Police Officer - Mr George Proud

We have been notified of death of a former Durham officer who transferred to Northumbria in 1974 with the boundary changes.

Mr George Proud aged 89 years.
Funeral service on 5th April 2011 at 2.45 p.m. at St Thomas Church, Harelaw, Stanley, followed by cremation at 3.30 p.m. at Mountsett Crematorium, Dipton. Neither service is private. 

Notified by Mr Proud's daughter, Mrs Anne Fothergill, who asked us to welcome all who wish to refreshments afterwards at her house :- 72 Brian's Leap. Burnopfield NE16 6BS.  Mr Proud also leaves a son, David.

ACC John Wright OBE

John Wright O.B.E. portrait. A.C.C. Durham County Constabulary 1942  to retirement 5th September, 1953 ( Died 9 days after retirement) Most decorated officer in the County at that time: O.B.E. ; King’s Police Medal; Jubilee Medal ( King George V); Coronation Medal King George VI; Coronation Medal Queen Elizabeth II; Long Service Medal/

ACC John Wright O.B.E.

Durham County Constabulary 1942  to retirement 5th September, 1953 ( Died 9 days after retirement)

Most decorated officer in the County at that time: O.B.E. ; King’s Police Medal; Jubilee Medal ( King George V); Coronation Medal King George VI; Coronation Medal Queen Elizabeth II; Long Service Medal


John Wright . Sir Frank Brooks HMI
John Wright & Sir Frank Brooks – HMI
Miners Gala. Herbrert Morrison MP & Michael Foot MP with John Wright
Durham Miners Gala
Herbert Morrison MP & Michael Foot MP with John Wright

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