Tuesday 13 August 2024

Death of a retired Police Officer: PC 470 Thomas Partridge Clish

It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the death of a retired Police Officer: PC 470 Thomas Partridge Clish who died at Springfield Care Home, Durham on Tuesday 30th July 2024, aged 91yrs.

Tom suffered latterly with dementia and for the last seven months was in care at the Springfield Care Home, Durham.

Tom is survived by his wife Elizabeth Ann and three children . Daughter Christine and husband Keith,  with Grandson Gary.

Son Martin and his wife Jane and their daughter Rebecca & Husband Sean and Great Grandchildren Orla and Izzie.  Daughter Laura and her husband Martin.

The funeral is to take place at 11am on THURSDAY 15th AUGUST 2024  at Durham Crematorium.

This will be followed by a gathering of friends and former colleagues at Belmont Working Men's Club.

Family flowers only.  Donations will be collected and will be divided between  Alzheimer Research and the Residents fund of Springfield Care Home.

Our thoughts are with Tom’s family and friends at this sad time.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Injury on Duty Medals

Campaign Update – Injury on Duty Medals. July 2024
Following an article in NARPO News, Feb 24 below is an update in relation to the injury on duty medal campaign. The campaign has now grown, having received written expressions of support from the Police Federation for England and Wales and Police Federation for Northern Ireland. Further support has been shown from Unison, representing the ambulance service, with support also being anticipated from the Fire Brigade Union now that, if agreed by parliament the award is likely to encompass all emergency service workers.

Support for the campaign was shown by various MP’s including the former Policing Minister, Chris Philp and conservative MP and former Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Sir Roger Gale who continues to support the campaign.

However, considering the recent general election, the level of support to be offered by the new government is not clear at this stage. More detail in relation to the campaign can be found via the organisers Facebook page link below……..

Campaign for Medal Recognition for Injured UK Police Officers


Yours sincerely,
Steve Wilcock Deputy Chief Executive

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