Wednesday 30 November 2011
Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 142 William D. Henderson
Mr. Henderson retired from Gateshead on 31st December 1972 following 25 years service. He had previously served at Houghton-le-Spring, Ryhope, Middleton, Bede Burn, H.Q. T & C., C.I.D., Darlington, Felling and Gateshead.
Tuesday 29 November 2011
NARPO Villas
NARPO House, 38 Bond Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 2QP
Tel: 01924.362166 Fax: 01924 372088
To: All Branch Secretaries
NEC Members
Dear Colleague,
Thanks to a kind offer from Lord Wolf of Barleugh and his family, NARPO have access to two of the family villas for an initial period up to September 2013.
Villa Endymion is situated in Bloemendaal a pretty town on the outskirts of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Villa Scylla is situated in the suburbs of Lavena Ponte Tresa directly on Lake Lugarno, Italy near to its border with Switzerland.
The villas will be managed on a day to day basis through a charitable trust the Endymion Preservation Society (EPS). NARPO have agreed to manage the booking process to enable our members to take advantage of this generous offer. Access to the villas will be free to NARPO members and their party and neither EPS nor NARPO are making any charge for either the access to the properties or the administration of the booking process.
Costs of the travel arrangements to and from the villas will of course be members’ responsibility. It will also be members’ responsibility to ensure that they have adequate travel insurance to cover, in particular, for medical emergencies and unforeseen cancellations. There will be no charge for gas and electricity at the villas as this will be provided by EPS as will adequate bedding and towels for guests. Guest will however be expected to be as modest as is reasonable in their use of power and treat the properties with the respect a family home deserves. Those visiting the properties will have to leave a deposit against breakages with the caretaker, which will be returned on departure providing no damage has occurred during the visit.
Bookings will initially be for a one or two week period and changeover day will be Friday.
We have a dedicated page, on our website at This page contains further details of the properties, their locations and some suggested travel arrangements. There are also copies of ‘Housekeeping Brochures’ for each of the properties. Members will be required to complete and sign the appropriate brochures before bookings can be confirmed. You should be able to download these documents from our website. Hard copies of the brochure are available from the National Office.
We will only be taking booking in writing either by email using the dedicated booking address at or by letter to, 38 Bond Street, Wakefield, WF1 2QP. Members should include the number of people in their party when they initially apply for a booking. The final decision on bookings is entirely a matter for NARPO and we will be as fair as is possible but also be seeking to provide this service to as wide a range of members as is possible over the period that we have access to the villas. Preference will be given to parties which meet the sleeping accommodation available at each villa, initially on a first come basis. We can only take and confirm booking for the current month and the three months following that current month. For example in November 2011 we can take bookings up to the end of February 2012, in December 2011 up to the end of March 2012 and so on. We will not entertain applications that are in advance of those periods. We will only provide acknowledgements of successful bookings, that acknowledgement will include a requirement to complete the relevant ‘Booking Brochure’. Bookings will be confirmed immediately on receipt of a properly completed Housekeeping Brochure.
This is a new venture for both NARPO and EPS and one which we hope will improve and develop over time to allow our members access to this delightful accommodation situated in prestigious locations. Members need to bear in mind that the accommodation is of traditional design and has not been regularly occupied for some time. We will be happy to receive any feedback about your experiences in respect of both the booking process and at the villas with a view to improving within reason the free service we are jointly offering you with our kind benefactors.
Yours sincerely
Clint Elliott QPM
Chief Executive
Wednesday 23 November 2011
How to put a comment from yourself onto an article on this website
Computers can ‘drive us up the walls’ at times, and we have had a few enquiries from people who are struggling to put a comment to an article so……. hopefully this will help
1. First click at the bottom left hand corner of the article where in blue, it says 0 comments (this could be a number if comments have been previously left)
2. A white coloured box will then appear, beneath Post a Comment this is where you can type in your comment
3. Next click on the upside down triangle to the right of where it says Comment as : select profile A box will then appear and by using your mouse select Name/URL
4. Where it says Name : type your name i.e Joe Bloggs then click on Continue
5. Finally click on the Post Comment box below where your name is. Your comment will then be sent to the website and will need to be approved by Durham NARPO before it appears on the website. If you still are having trouble, then simply send an email with the comment you want putting on the article to : and we will put it on for you. Hope this helps… |
Wednesday 16 November 2011
One for our Ladies
Request from TV production company:
“Here at Topical Television was are in production on a series called 'Crime and Punishment' looking at the changes in policing and prisons over the past 50 years . The series is for BBC 1 daytime and will transmit early next year.
One of the short films we are making for the series is on the History of Women in Policing within which we are looking to interview several retired female officers to tell their stories and share their career memories. We are keen to have accounts from several different officers from throughout the last 50 years if possible. Maybe two friends that were in the force together or women who served at different levels of the force, PC'S through to Superintendents. Anyone who has a story to tell especially if it involves key moment or changes in policing over the last 50 years we would love to hear from them.”
Sophie Dunn
Topical Television
61 Devonshire Rd
Hants. SO15 2GR
Tel: 02380 712233 / 07909946713
Tuesday 15 November 2011
Cadet Training School–Hardwick House–1973 & 1972
Monday 14 November 2011
Committee Meeting - tonight at Bishop Auckland Hospital Club
Durham NARPO committee meet tonight at Bishop Auckland Hospital Club, Escomb Road, Bishop Auckland
Meeting starts at 1930hrs.
Light buffet afterwards
All members are invited to come along and enjoy
Police Cadets D of E hike in Skye
Who are the male cadets ?? (click on the image to view/download)
Sunday 13 November 2011
Cadet Training School Staff 1974
Police Cadet Rugby Teams – 1973 & 1974
Cadet Training School 1974
Front Row : L to R : PC Alan Goad, Sgt Ray Clish, WPC Karen Nicholson, PC George Nixon, Pc Ronnie Lambert, PC Derek Hall, Sgt Frank Pickering, Insp Colin Neill, Ch Supt Vickers ??, Supt Ray Basham,Sgt George Atkinson, Sgt Smith, Sgt Dave Cromarty, Connie Garner (House mother), Geoff Horsefield (Durham Tech), George Wardle (Durham Tech).
Who else do you recognize ?????
Double click on the image to view it a a larger size
Saturday 12 November 2011
Motor School Staff 1972
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Back Row, Ted Barber, Alan Drake, Dick Hart, Barney Conlon, Graham Suddick, Vic Dunn, John Nixon, Peter Willis, Jock Little, Cec Melville, Fred McDonald, Johnny Waller, Norman Galloway, John Dinning, Joe Millican, Arthur Morley
Front Row, Cyril Pickering, Jock Murphy, George Miller MPO Sgt (later transferred to N’bria), Fred Anderson, Alf Charlton, Mary Lancaster, Tommy Lingwood, Dave Hodgson, Harry Lancaster
Driving Course 1969
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
1960’s–Driving Instructors
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Advanced Driving Course 1966
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
1965 ??
Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages :
PC’s Ted Barber, Jock Murphy, George Robson, Athol Burnham, ? , Sedgefield, 1960’s
Advanced Driving Course- 1950’s ?
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Memories from the Murphy household
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
Aycliffe HQ ?
Paul Murphy has kindly sent us these pictures of his dad, Sgt Jock Murphy, taken in the 50’s / 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages :
Cadet Camp early 60’s
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the images to view/download) :
Jock Murphy – Front Row at left |
Cadet Camp, Plawsworth, early 1960’s, my Dad was a PTI. I recognise Duncan Adamson and Jack Wharrier |
Memories from the Murphy household
We’ll put the pictures on individually so that if anybody can fill in the missing name’s then you can do so by leaving a comment on the webpages (Click on the image to view/download) :
My Dad’s syndicate 1949. I think Plawsworth was the Training camp. From the top, he is extreme right, second row. To his left is PC Tom Dent, later Head of Cleveland Probation Service. Same row and second from the left is PC Jimmy Elliott.
Friday 11 November 2011
Police Review magazine to close after 118yrs
Police trade magazine Jane's Police Review is to close after 118 years in print, putting eight jobs at risk.
Publisher IHS has pledged to try to find new positions for editor Chris Herbert and deputy editor Royston Martis, along with three reporters and other commercial staff who will otherwise face redundancy.
The final edition of the magazine is due to be published on 18 November, with the website closing on 28 November.
Announcing the closure, IHS group publishing director Sean Howe said the company would be retiring the entire Police Review product line – including the website, police handbooks and the Gala Awards – due to "changes in the marketplace".
"We have come to this conclusion after a long period of careful consideration and we sincerely regret any inconvenience this will cause our loyal customers.
"We would also like to thank the editor, Chris Herbert, the sales manager, Ian Barrett, and their respective teams for their commitment to Police Review, and the products and events which have grown up around it, both over recent years and in the remaining weeks during which we will be publishing."
Howe thanked the magazine's readers "loyal support over the years".
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said on Twitter: "Sorry to hear of closure of Police Review - it will be great loss to serious discussion and debate on policing" and shadow chancellor Ed Balls called the closure a "tragedy".
The final hard copy issue of the magazine will be dated 25 November. The website will be closed down on 28 November and the last issue of Police Product Review will be published on 18 November
A moment to reflect
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flander's fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, tho poppies grow
In Flander's fields.
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
Death of a retired Police Officer - Reginald Herbert CAMPBELL
Thursday 10 November 2011
Death of a retired Police Officer - Edward (Ted) Roberts, B.E.M.
Thursday 3 November 2011
Durham Peeler – Winter 2011
Chairman Alan Watson has been hard at work over the last few months putting together the latest edition of the Durham Peeler.
Click on the image to go to the Durham Peeler webpage where you can then click on the images of the Peeler and either read them online or download them to your own computer in pdf format
Tuesday 1 November 2011
Death of a retired Police Officer - Superintendent William Hedley Robinson
Mr Robinson was appointed 27.08.1956 and retired on pensionon 04.05.1990. He initially served in the West Hartlepool area followed by postings including Greatham, Darlington,SIS at HQ, Spennymoor and Newton Aycliffe. In 1979 he moved to HQ and served in Motor School, Training, Traffic and Personnel/Records. In 1985 he was Deputy Branch Commander in Traffic moving to a temporary attachment as Sub-Divisional Commander at Darlington in June/July. Mr Robinson then became Sub-Divisional Commander at Wear Valley/Wear and Tees Sub Division based at Bishop Aucklandand he retired from this post in May 1990.
Blog Archive
- Death of a retired Police Officer - Sgt 142 Willia...
- NARPO Villas
- How to put a comment from yourself onto an article...
- One for our Ladies
- Cadet Training School–Hardwick House–1973 & 1972
- Committee Meeting - tonight at Bishop Auckland Ho...
- Police Cadets D of E hike in Skye
- Cadet Training School Staff 1974
- Police Cadet Rugby Teams – 1973 & 1974
- Cadet Training School 1974
- Motor School Staff 1972
- Driving Course 1969
- 1960’s–Driving Instructors
- Advanced Driving Course 1966
- 1965 ??
- Advanced Driving Course- 1950’s ?
- Memories from the Murphy household
- Aycliffe HQ ?
- Cadet Camp early 60’s
- Memories from the Murphy household
- Police Review magazine to close after 118yrs
- A moment to reflect
- Death of a retired Police Officer - Reginald Herbe...
- Death of a retired Police Officer - Edward (Ted) R...
- Durham Peeler – Winter 2011
- Death of a retired Police Officer - Superintendent...