Friday 7 July 2017

Traffic reunion : Wednesday 9th August

Government Inspection Durham Constabulary H.Q. 1974 (Traffic Patrols North)Fred Purser; Norman Lee; Derek Sayers; Jack Blair; George Robson; ?; Ken Garbutt; John Curry; ? ; Ian Irwin; ?; Jack Fidiam;? ; ? ; Fred English; Norman Davison; Bill Bramfitt; Eric Brown; ?; Eddie Stangroom; Duncan Adamson; Gordon Balderstone; John Knaggs; Bill Sanderson; ?;  Chris Dryden; Trevor Morgan; Geoff Carlon; Kenny James; Ronnie Tarn; Dick Hunter.Following on from the two successful reunion events earlier in the year we are now going for an evening meet at 6.30pm, Wednesday 9th August and hopefully capture the ex colleagues who were unable to attend in the past.
It's going to be at the same venue as the last time, the Spectrum Leisure Centre, Willington (thanks to Ian Hirst for making the place available for us.)
Can I ask that you spread the word to any ex colleagues you are in touch with so we can renew friendships and have a good chinwag about times past. 

Look forward to seeing you there - hope you can make it.

Spectrum Leisure Complex
Hunwick Lane
Co Durham
DL15 0JA

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