Wednesday 25 April 2012

British Legion Poppy Appeal 2012

Email received via NARPO HQ from Alice Fisher of the British Legion :

Each year, in early November some 30,000 Legion volunteers take to the streets with poppies and collecting boxes, raising millions of pounds for the Poppy Appeal. The money collected at this time and from numerous other fundraising activities throughout the year, goes to providing help and support to serving and ex-Service men and women and their dependants. Without volunteer collectors out there on the streets, without appeal organisers planning the collections, this great cause - that helps thousands of ex-Service men and women every year - would grind to a halt.

I am hoping that you could circulate the attached flier amongst your organisation as November is fast approaching and our need for new volunteers to assist us is as great as ever. This year’s collection runs from October 27th to November 11th 2012.

Additionally if there are other ways you think your members would like to be involved I would love to discuss this further.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


If you feel you could offer any assistance to the British Legion or want further details please email :

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