Saturday 8 September 2012

The Prince’s Trust needs volunteers

imagesAre you a retired police officer, or about to retire?

Are you interested in making a real and lasting difference to the lives of young people in your local community? If so, The Prince’s Trust has a range of volunteering opportunities available to you.

The Prince’s Trust work with 13 to 30 year-olds who have struggled at school, have been in care, are long-term unemployed or have been in trouble with the law. They give practical and financial support, developing key workplace skills such as confidence and motivation. 

The Prince’s Trust help 100 young people every day and more than three in four of them move into work, education or training.

Whether you have a few hours a month or are available full-time, there is a rewarding and challenging volunteering opportunity for you. If you can give:

  • four hours every month you can mentor a young person and help them to progress in life

  • one or two days a week you could help coordinate other volunteers to enable them to support young people

  • 20 days over a 12-week period you could support 15 young people as they progress through a personal development programme

Opportunities are available throughout Wales and England - from Bangor to Barry and Cornwall to Cumbria.

For more details please contact Bob Clewley on :

For more information about the work of The Prince’s Trust please visit the website

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