Tuesday 14 January 2020

Annual Subscription Remind and Request.

NARPO Membership Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year, however, those who pay their subscription by Direct Deduction from their pension will have the deduction taken from their May pension payment.
There is still a number of our full members, widow(er) members and additional members who pay their annual subscription by either cash or cheque.  We would urge anyone paying in this way to consider paying by BACS transfer, an electronic transfer of your subscription directly into the account of your Durham NARPO Branch.  This is not a Direct Debit scheme but a transfer of funds, actioned annually by the member.
All you need to carry out the BACS transfer is the Sort Code and Account Number of the Durham NARPO Branch.  If you contact either Susan Knaggs on 0191 388 4052 or susan0095@gmail.com or Ray Jones on 01325 327165 or rayjones2341@gmail.com we will provided you with these details.

Subscriptions for 2020 are :

Full Member: £21.48
Additional Member: £7.00
(Full Member of another Branch)

Widow(er) Member: £5.00

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