Thursday 24 February 2022

Memorial service for DC James Brian Porter : Important Update

At 11:30 on Friday 4th March 2022, a memorial service will be held in the force’s memorial garden at the front of Durham Constabulary HQ, Aykley Heads and is expected to last approximately 40 minutes.

The following important information finalises the procedure and arrangements for this event:

In order to maximise the safety of everyone attending, it is requested that a lateral flow test be taken the night before.

Those testing positive or experiencing any symptoms should not attend.

Please be in position for the service by 11:15 and have some form of ID with you, ideally photo ID.

Only limited seating will be available during the service.

Those attending should feel free to wear medals or decorations.

After the service, you are invited to attend County Hall, where 3 short addresses will be given by Deputy Chief Constable David Orford, Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen and Force Chaplain Rev. Adrian Gatrill, within the ‘Durham Room’.   

Limited car parking is available at both Police HQ and County Hall.

The allocated parking area at Police HQ has moved to the main car park to the right-hand side of the building, through the gated entrance.

Limited disabled parking is available to the front of Police HQ.

Wherever possible and if comfortable doing so, please consider car sharing in order to reduce congestion at both Police HQ and County Hall.

If anyone has any queries regarding the event, please continue to contact Ray Jones (Durham NARPO Chairman) via  or  07535261063 

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