Wednesday 16 November 2022

Hardwick Camp Police Cadet Reunion: Saturday 8th July 2023 at 7pm

Hardwick Camp Police Cadet Reunion

Saturday 8th July 2023 at 7pm
Sedgefield Cricket Club, Sedgefield Village, Co Durham TS21 2BY

Admission by Ticket Only
If you worked as a Police Cadet, Junior Fireman, Cadet Instructor or member of staff at the Police Cadet Training School at Hardwick Camp, Sedgefield in the 1960’s then this reunion is for you!
1962 marked the first intake of cadets at Hardwick Camp, this year marks the 60th Anniversary and we thought it was a good time to have another reunion following our last successful event in 2021.
We would like to invite ALL who attended the camp during its tenure from the early 1960’s until its closure. Please come along, there will be someone you remember! Large name labels will be available on the night!
The venue this time is again Sedgefield Cricket Club, TS21 2BY. The location of the venue will provide the opportunity for a nostalgic visit to where you spent your teenage years!
A buffet will be provided together with an audio-visual show of pictures from your life at Hardwick Camp along with other memorabilia.
Tickets are £10.00 each, as per the last event and are limited to ex cadet, junior firemen, instructors and staff simply due to the restriction on numbers for the venue. Order soon to avoid disappointment.
Tickets available preferably by bank transfer, (I will provide my banking details) or by cheque to G. Storey 47 Greystoke Avenue, Whickham, Gateshead, NE16 5HR. (email
Please let us know your full name, the years you were at the camp and your House. I will keep a running update of those who have paid on the site.
I would ask that everyone who would like to attend also informs those ex cadets they are in contact with.
Send us your photos for the audio-visual show.
For digital images please email:-
For prints please post to P Walton 69 Hillcrest, Middle Herrington, Sunderland, SR33NN. Write the information on the back please! You can collect the prints on the night or include a SAE for return.

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