Thursday 24 March 2011

Who is the ‘mystery’ Policeman ??


Sadler Street, Durham Notting_Hillb

This one came through to us from the Met Police Historical Section – they’d been told it was Notting Hill in London… but thought it looked like a Durham uniform.

Some ‘Detective’ work has been done by one or two already (Alan Hutchinson & Alan Watson (Chairman)  ) and with the help of Google’s technology it’s believed that the location is Sadler Street in Durham.

The consensus is that the photo was taken mid to late 60’s at Durham Big Meeting (Miners Gala)

So let’s see if we can do a bit of ‘detective’ work in retirement and identify the ‘mystery’ policeman.

If you know who it is either post a comment at the bottom of this article (please remember to include your name) or email :

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