Saturday 15 June 2019

Durham River Cruise (NARPO 100year celebration) next Saturday, 22nd June

The Boat Cruise and Bar-be-cue on Saturday 22nd June is now open to all, not just NARPO members.

The function is very heavily subsidised by a grant from NARPO to ensure that we can all celebrate the Centenary of NARPO in our own areas.
To that end the function has been advertised in the Peeler and on the website.
To date the organising committee only have 43 people attending, sad really after all the effort that goes into the organisation of things like this.
The branch have therefore decided to open it up to all and have asked that it be circulated again to perhaps try and 'jog a few memories' and spur some members into action.
It is appreciated that June is holiday time for some, but surely not all the other 700 NARPO members in Durham Branch.
If you and your friends or family can spare the time for an evening cruise in Durham next Saturday night and in doing so help support your local Durham Branch NARPO and meet some ex colleagues then please contact the Branch Secretary :
  Stu Ingram to book your tickets which are £10 per person on 01388 814768. or email him on
Cheques to be made out to "Durham Branch - NARPO" and sent to 2, Whitworth Close, Spennymoor, DL16 7LH. or speak to Stu to arrange payment by bacs.

Click this link for original posting :

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