Monday 8 February 2021


Due to the current restrictions, brought about by the Covid pandemic, our Annual General Meeting,
usually held in early January was unable to take place. As a result, we have sent out emails to our
entire membership for whom we hold addresses, with details of our Branch Officers, Committee and
vacant roles, together with a copy of the 2020 AGM minutes.
Copies of our annual accounts have not been generally circulated, but I can assure you that we are in
a sound financial position. Any queries regarding the 2020 minutes or accounts should be directed
to the Branch Secretary.
If you have any queries regarding these documents please contact our Branch Secretary at
Vacant Branch Positions are for an Assistant Secretary, Welfare Officer (1 nomination has been
received for this role) and 2 Committee Members.
The names of all Branch Officers and Committee can be viewed on page 4 of the Winter 2019 edition
of the Durham Peeler.
The current Officers and Committee, with the exception of Paddy Farrell (died 10 December 2020)
and Ches Brighouse (standing down), are willing to serve a further term.
The closing date for nominations for the vacant positions is Sunday 21 February 2021.
Hopefully all vacant positions will be filled and it is proposed that, subject to objection, all current
Officers and Committee will be re-elected en bloc.

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