Wednesday 20 March 2013

Dog Section : 1972

Annual photo 1972. <br />L to R - PC's Greener, Wood, Simpson. Chief Constable Puckering and PC's Hedges, Turner and Leng Annual photo 1972. <br />L to R - PC's Greener, Wood, Simpson. Chief Constable Puckering and PC's Hedges, Turner and Leng

L to R - PC's Greener, Wood, Simpson. Chief Constable Puckering and PC's Hedges, Turner and Leng

You can see more of the Police Dogs and in particular PC Bill Leng & PD Major by visiting the Dog Section’s new Paws Up website which is a Benevolent Fund for retired Durham Police Dogs.

You can read all about it at and can even help raise funds for the fund whilst shopping online by clicking on their EasyFundraising link

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